Types of Wayfinding Signs

Signs are useful in many ways as they have a wide variety of purposes. Wayfinding signs are the most common and important signage. The power of Signage in Abu Dhabi to direct people in a certain way is a simple concept which can be subdivided into four broad categories.

Wayfinding signs are categorised into four groups: identification, directional, informational, and regulatory signs. Almost all signs you will conceive as part of a wayfinding technique will be a part of one of the four groups.

Here is an analysis and significance of each type of Sign board:

1.    Identification Signs

Identification signs specify the reader's specific locations like definite landmarks or structures. They are not directional signs but they serve the purpose of “you are here” identification or let users comprehend when they have reached a particular destination.

You can look for Identification signs around your establishment

o   Post signs, using text and images, to identify restrooms, breakrooms, conference rooms, and other standard destinations around a structure.

o    Include “You are here” tags on maps at entryways as they are the  first interface of the user to use this wayfinding system

o   Identify entries and exits, and caution users when they enter unexplored areas or buildings within an establishment.

2.   Directional Signs

Directional signs are to guide people to keep moving toward their destination. You will notice these signs typically at junctions or any place where one might look for directions.

Directional signs can be used at several places throughout your building:

o   Post signs at entries to enable visitors to find reception desks, offices, loading docks, and other common destinations, especially in large establishments. This will save time and energy for the visitor as simply following directions will help them reach the destination faster.

o     Post signs in elevator lobbies are extremely helpful for users to know what can be found on a specific floor

o     Display overhead signs at junctions can also serve users looking for directions

3.    Informational Signs

Informational signs are more about augmenting the trip with useful information along the way. For example, highway signs may forewarn drivers about a construction zone ahead, or warn of upcoming traffic congestion due to bad roads or narrow roads ahead. In both instances, drivers can be cognizant of that information to make or change plans accordingly.

The benefit of informational signs at any facility:

o     Make drivers aware of which parking spots are reserved for visitors or employees at a parking area.

o     Caution workers regarding forklifts

o   Inform users to find directions for a reception desk or informational display, a conference room or a meeting area that has free Wi-Fi.

4.    Regulatory Signs

These signs are also informational. They notify users of regulations and requirements at a  place. Speed limit signs and “No Parking” notices are common regulatory signs.

Regulatory signs can often be found at a facility to notify the user about the following:

o   Remind users to wear proper safety kits like PPE (during covid 19 Pandemic) in hospitals, hearing protection or face shields while working around certain equipment or chemicals. A great way of displaying Safety signs in Abu Dhabi.

o     Make the user aware of smoking zones

o     Warn visitors and workers about prohibited areas

o    Position speed limits for forklift

Wayfinding signs assist in finding your way to a particular spot at huge places like malls, restaurants, hotels, commercial buildings and many such physical locations. These signs can help to simplify your way to a particular spot or destination as we read above that they not only serve the purpose of directing your route but also provide some information about that place, help you identify your current location and also furnish any specific details about a place. These signs can be customised by Dubai Signs as per requirement -be they simple or more creative to suit your business the best. The creative Wayfinding Signs in Abu Dhabi consist of engaging text and graphics which can be more attractive enough to draw the attention of the user.


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